The character can take a FLAW from the FLAWS list. Each flaw is worth 1 point. The character can spend points to give their character additional options. You are not required to take any flaws
- Alone-: The Character may not have a familiar, animal companion, cohort, eidolon, followers, etc. They cannot take the leadership feat. They cannot cast spells which summon ally creatures, such as summon monster or summon nature's ally. Ultimately, the PC will only have 1 character they can control. This includes hirelings, valets, "drivers", guard dogs, etc, but they can still ride a non-combat-trained mount, or use a mule to pull a cart. If they take levels in a class that provides these they may take an alternate class feature- such an archetype that gives an alternate class feature, or they just don't gain that class feature.
-Allergy-: You are allergic to either Silver or Cold Iron. Weapons made of such material do double damage to you, and automatically bypass any damage reduction you have (even /- DR like from a barbarian class, or /adamantine from Stoneskin). Such weapons also automatically confirm critical hits against you. If you already have DR that is overcome by that type of material, it does triple damage instead of double.
-Addicted-: You are severely addicted to a drug of your choice (besides alcohol).This means you get a -2 to str/dex/con and wisdom, and you cannot naturally heal ability damage caused by the drug. You have the addiction penalties at all times, except when you are under the effects of the drug. This addiction has large psychological components as well as physical, and the addiction cannot be cured.
-Drunkard-: You have a permanent addiction to alcohol. You are constantly drunk, which means you always have the sickened condition (which cannot be removed). If you are deprived of alcohol by force, you have -2 to con and strength as per moderate addiction. This addiction cannot be cured. If an effect would give you the sickened condition, you instead become nauseated.
-Chronic Fatigue-: You are always fatigued, with the penalties for the fatigued condition. Any condition that would cause you to become fatigued makes you exhausted, and any condition that would make you exhausted puts you unconscious.
-Cowardly-: You have a permanent shaken condition and cannot be immune to fear. If you gain immunity to mind effecting you still are susceptible to things that cause fear. Any effect that would cause you to gain a fear condition gives you the next highest condition (shaken > frightened > panicked). Any condition that would cause you to become panicked makes you paralyzed.
-Energy Weakness-: You are weak to a certain element (choose between fire / ice / elec / cold / sonic / positive energy / negative energy). You take double damage from the element. You lose any racial energy resistance to this element. (Though you can trade away that racial feature if possible). If you have evasion or some ability that grants no damage on a save, you still take 1/2 damage on a successful save (instead of no damage) from the energy type. Improved evasion works as regular evasion for this element. You cannot gain immunity to the element- any immunity becomes Resist 20. (Maximum resist for you from spells is 20). If you take an energy type you would normally be healed by (example: positive energy for most characters) you are damaged by it instead, but take no further penalties (it's not doubled).
-Loyal-: The character becomes powerfully loyal to the other PCs. They will always seek to get along with them. This doesn't make them make poor decisions, but they will forgive most wrongs committed, and they will journey with them just because they like them and they are loyal. If a PC dies, you would be in favor of getting them resurrected with the best spell you can afford with party loot before splitting it. This includes other forms of healing, such as regeneration, or greater restoration.
-Vow of Poverty-: The character can carry one non-magical weapon that is not made of special materials, and they may carry a few days worth of food, and may have simple outfits (though they may wear cold weather or warm weather outfits if necessary). They gain Eschew Materials as a bonus feat IF they are a spellcasting class. The other party members can split their wealth- they don't need to throw away a share.
-Combat Paralysis-: You always fail any checks to act in a surprise round. During the first round of combat you take no action. You are flat footed until your initiative comes up in the second round of combat. If you have something that prevents the flat footed condition (such as uncanny dodge or combat reflexes) you retain your dex bonus to AC, but still cannot move or take immediate actions or opportunity attacks until your iniative pass on the 2nd round of combat.
-Influenced-: Gain -5 on all sense motive checks. In addition, you forgo any "additional" saves to break ongoing mental control (including when asked to do something against your nature). You are subject to interaction effects as if an NPC, so you can be manipulated with diplomacy or intimidate checks into compliance.
-Superstitious-: The character may not gain levels in a spellcasting class, use magical items, or use spell like abilities. They are never a willing subject for spellcasting. They may use technological items, alchemical items, and special materials, but not potions, mutagens, or infusions. They can still use supernatural abilities gained from KI pools (such as monk powers), or Rage powers, but not other supernatural abilities. They may not use alchemist formula or potions.
-Good-: The character must maintain a good alignment at all times. They are not necessarily held to paladin codes, but they must try to do what is "good". Committing evil acts suffers the consequences of a broken Geas as in the pacifist flaw.
-Honorable-: The character need not be lawful, but must seek to honor their word, keep their promises, and not lie to or deceive others. They will not torture to get information. They may use stealth and ambushes. They will generally honor the spirit of their agreement, but if pressed could be held to the letter as well if that's more inconvenient. Failure to adhere suffers the consequences of a broken Geas as in the pacifist flaw.
-Pacifist-: The character can be in combat, but chooses to incapacitate rather than kill. This is effectively a Geas. If they kill an intelligent alive creature (anything with intelligence of 3+ but not undead or most constructs) they get a -3 to all ability scores that can't be repaired until they somehow make amends for the act. This is cumulative. If their allies kill someone in combat, this is okay, but if an ally kills a captive or performs a coup de grace, or other "unnecessary" murder, you get a -2 to all ability scores for the rest of the day. This is cumulative.
-Adventurer-: The character's main income source is adventuring. They may not use the downtime system to gain wealth. They may not use perform, profession, or craft to generate income. (Though they may use them to get discount goods via crafting). They cannot own stores or other income-generating properties. This cannot be taken with vow of poverty.
-Impatient-: The character does not have the patience necessary for crafting. They may not craft any items (including alchemical items, non-magical items with craft, and magical items). This means they may not take any magical item crafting feats. If a class grants them a bonus crafting feat, they may take a metamagic feat they qualfy for instead. If there are no metamagic feats they qualify for, they do not get anything for the class feature. They prefer to find magical items on adventures or purchase ready-made items. Alchemists can still make their extracts- but not potions. This impatience goes to spell research also- they cannot use downtime to research spells (but they can copy spells from scrolls if their class allows for it).
-Dump Stat-: Get -6 to one of your ability scores. This cannot lower a stat to below 3 (so you can't use this on a stat that's already below 9). This can be applied after racial modifiers. This can be taken once per score.
-Slow Learner-: The character uses the "SLOW" column for experience.
-Weak Fort-: Get -5 to Fort Saves. They do not automatically pass fort saves on a nat 20.
-Weak Reflex-: Get -5 to Reflex Saves. If they have improved evasion it is treated as regular evasion. If they have regular evasion, it is treated as not having evasion. If they don't have evasion at all, they do not automatically pass reflex saves on a nat 20.
-Weak Will-: Get -5 to will saves. They do not automatically pass will saves on a nat 20. They cannot gain immunity to mind effecting effects as a racial or class feature. If they become undead, or somehow gain the immunity to mind effecting feature, it instead gives them +5 to will saves (rather than the -5, so a difference of 10), but they are not immune. They may still gain immunity to fear normally.
-Poor Saves-: All your savings (fort/ref/will) level up as "poor" saves regardless of what class you take.
-Easy Target-: An enemy does not automatically miss the character on a nat 1 (though the roll total might still miss). Enemies automatically confirm critical hit rolls against the target. Any % miss chance (such as through blur) is halved. They only gain 1/2 benefit from concealment, cover, and they have 2 "chances to be hit" with mirror image.
-Unconfirmed-: The character still automatically hits on a nat 20, but never confirms a critical hit. If they have an ability that automatically causes a critical hit without need of a confirmation roll, they must roll a confirmation roll to get the critical hit.
-Unmanuverable-: The character gets a -10 to his CMB and CMD. He always provokes when using a combat maneuver, even if he has a feat or ability that would normally cause that to not be the case, such as improved grapple or the GRAB ability.
-Unskilled-: The character does not gain any background skills and must purchase all skills with skill points normally. They furthermore take a -5 penalty on any skills they don't have ranks in.
-Luxurious-: The character must spend 20% of any wealth gained on luxury that does not have a mechanical effect. It could be jewelry, expensive inns, massages, or even on maintaining their own house, but not to buy magical equipment, or "potions" disguised as food. They may spend this on their companions if they wish on similar expenditure- not to equip their companions. . Alternately, this could be called "Tithing" and the money could be donated to a charitable or religious organization in their name instead. This can not be taken with vow of poverty.
-Basic-: The PC is restricted to CORE classes and CORE races. They may not multiclass (though if they end up being gestalt they can level up both their classes). This can be worth 2 points, but if so you are limited only to NPC classes or level up using racial HD.
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