New Traits

All bonuses are as trait bonuses. If you are mythic, these do not allow you to qualify for mythic versions of a feat without having the normal feat. Also you don't gain the actual benefits of the feat listed, you just don't need it to qualify for the next feat in a feat chain. 

:  Counts as iron will for prerequisites. 

Fortitude: Counts as great fortitude for prerequisites. 

Tough:  Counts as toughness for prerequisites. 

Reflex:  Counts as lightning reflexes for prerequisites. 

Skilled: Choose a skill. This counts as skill focus for prerequisites. If you take this trait twice for 2 skills, it also counts as the feat that raises those 2 skills for prerequisites. (Example: if you take for stealth and escape artist, then you can be treated as if you have stealthy for prerequisites). This does not make the skill into a class skill or provide you any actual bonuses to the skill. 

Focused Maneuver: Choose one combat maneuver. You are treated as having either power attack, combat expertise, or improved unarmed strike (as relevant) for the purpose of taking the "improved" and "greater" feats related to that maneuver, as well as any feat that labels the improved/greater feats as a prerequisite- but not for other feats that use power attack, etc as a prerequisite. You must meet the strength or intelligence qualification. 

Spell Expertise: Choose a school of magic. You are treated as if you have spell focus in that school of magic for prerequisites (except greater spell focus). This cannot be chosen for an opposition school. 

Dodgy: You are treated as having the dodge feat for prerequisites. 

Bowmaster: You are treated as if having the point blank shot feat for prerequisites. 

Lore: Choose a lore skill.(Background skill). Ranks in the lore skill qualify as ranks in a relevant knowledge skill for certain feat or prestige class prerequisites. (For example: Lore- your specific religion, could count as ranks in knowledge religion for qualifying for feats or prestige classes). Get with the DM on specifics. 

Wild Magic: For  arcane spellcasters only. Roll 1d6-3 twice when casting a spell. The first die affects your caster level. The second die affects your DC. This is applied last (so can't be offset with caster level effects that are limited by your level). If both dice roll the same number, a wild magic surge results (often accompanies the spell, but some surge results replace the spell). If you make a concentration check (DC = 20 + 2x spell level) while casting, you can not use this, using standard CL and DC without risk of a surge, though failure of the check loses the spell and causes the surge without the spell effect. 

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