The Slave Girl
The party was hired by Thrain Horsemaster (a friend of Zirule's) to disrupt the buisness of a rival, Kazmut Charterer. Kazmut owns a shipping company that sometimes moves slaves, and he's had a run of bad luck- many of the slaves he's been sent to pick up have been freed before he got there. He is now trying to enter into a partnership with Walder Baelish of Cheliax in order to gain a more lucrative contract and stay above water. If the meeting can go south, Kamut's debts will come due and Thrain can purchase his ships at tremendous discount.The party tried to enter Kazmut's estate and found themselves mysteriously back at the Pan Kowalski an hour later. They found that they had been mind wiped. Witnesses saw them leave the estate earlier as if in a daze. Suspicious that Kazmut had psionics or a psion on retainer, they did some research and found that sometimes Kazmut acted strangely, as if he himself had been manipulated at times. Michael paid for a memory modification to restore his lost memories, and remembered entering the estate and telling some slaves that he was there to rescue them. At that point, one of the slave girls had used a psionic suggestion on them to leave, and modified their memories as they left to maintain anonymity.
Rather than confront her, the party spread the rumor that one of Kazmut's slaves was actually a psion in disguise and was manipulating him (which was true), ruining his reputation as someone who can control slaves and souring the deal with Walder
The watch came with Kazmut to remove the girl, who turned out to be an agent of the Bellflower network- she was undercover as a slave and using her powers to identify slave trade pickup areas, and was sending communication to her other agents so they could disrupt the pickup and free the slaves before delivery. She was arrested and send to a prison somewhere that could handle psionic prisoners.
Thrain was pleased and rewarded for their efforts.
Mission 2:
The party was hired by Zirule to recover an necklace he had purchased, which was pickpocked from him as he watched a street performer. He wants it returned so he can present it as a gift. The watch has been searching for weeks and has been unable to uncover it.
The party learned that a belly-dancing performer was distracting crowds so her accomplice could pickpocket them. The Thieves' Guild was also after them for unlicensed thievery. Vesper used a contact at the jewelry store to identify that the man had a Twoshirts accent- a mining town four days away. They left town.
They saw that they were being watched at a distance by a couple of orcs, but they were not bothered by them. The second day they saw a wounded bear guarding her cubs. Vesper healed her wound and the went on. That night, the orcs, impressed by her healing of the animal, led her to their camp, where they met the chief, Arcus Woodsplitter, who invited them to feast and drink with them, which the party did. Kotkin found himself drinking and being courted by Bonks With A Club- an ogerkin orc with a vestigal fetal head growing out of her neck. After a night of alcohol, he was able to be courted. Vesper and Brody went with the chief to smoke and go on a vision quest, where they astrally projected to a distant world where the sprit of nature was being hunted by local humanoids. Despite being incoporeal, Vesper was able to affect their magic net, and cut the net, allowing the spirit to escape. They earned the respect of Arkus and were named Friends of the Tribe. Arkus said he would watch the stars for signs, and may contact them again in the future.
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